Dynamics 365 Marketing

Transform your marketing activities with timely, personalised content for applicants, learners and employers by using Dynamics 365 CRM marketing integrations.

Segment and engage your audience one-on-one or at scale to drive organisational growth

Engage customers in real-time

Our system has been designed for the FE and Training sector. We know the recruitment and sales cycles that drive success and will help you set triggers that send personalised messages across a range of channels at key times for increased applications and improved conversions.

Provide a holistic customer experience.

We’ll help you target your ideal audience and create a centralised data set so you can create end-to-end applicant journeys that boost engagement and drive leads.

Improve marketing effectiveness.

Segment your audiences and create tailored messaging to improve engagement and outcomes.

Ensure Compliance

Manage subscriptions and preferences to keep your prospect data organised, secure and compliant in the Microsoft Cloud

Align sales and marketing

Bring your business development, marketing, recruitment and admission teams together on the same platform for a shared view of the customer journey from applicant to learner to completer